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Oxford March 2024 - Human Rights in Climate Emergency and War

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Oxford March 2024 - Human Rights in Climate Emergency and War

Katie Dwyer

March 18-24

(Workshop begins the evening of March 18th, with a closing gala on Saturday, March 23rd. Groups depart the morning of the 24th)

This workshop explores the role human rights can play to reduce two of the great global risks of the 2020s - climate change and great power war. In the first part of the workshop, students will be introduced to the main threats of the climate emergency and twenty first century militarism. They will study the current and predicted impacts of climate change, and the emerging international regulation around it. This will be followed by a similar introduction to the nature of contemporary warfare, the future battlefield, and the laws of war. In the second part of the workshop, students will explore how non-violent human rights work can reduce these threats, and how both war and climate emergency demand that human rights thinking looks beyond the human to the rights of nature and an all-life perspective.

As with all OCHR workshops, participants will hear from eminent scholars and grassroots practitioners. Students attend as part of their college or university cohorts, and our workshop sessions are designed for engagement and collaboration to build community and empower.