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Oxford Spring 2019 Human Rights, Violent Conflict and the Struggle for Peace

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Oxford Spring 2019 Human Rights, Violent Conflict and the Struggle for Peace

Katie Dwyer


Our March workshop was led by Dr. Hugo Slim, Head of Policy and Humanitarian Diplomacy for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Our presenters included:

Dr. Dapo Akande, St. Peter’s College, University of Oxford

Dr. James Astman, Blavatnik School, University of Oxford

Asma Awan, International Committee of the Red Cross

Dr. Deen Chaterjee, University of Utah

Dr. Janina Dill, Nuffield College, University of Oxford

Dr. Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox, Quinnipiac University

Nabeel Hamdi, Oxford Brooks University

Dr. Johnathan Leader Maynard, University of Oxford

Dr. David Mwambari, Ghent University

Dr. David Richie, Mercer University

Dr. Cheyney Ryan, University of Oxford