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Brazil - October 2019 "Community, Identity, and Human Rights

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Brazil - October 2019 "Community, Identity, and Human Rights

Katie Dwyer

We are proud to host the first Oxford Consortium for Human Rights in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20-25, 2019 in partnership with Universidade Estacio de Sa. The workshop “Community, Identity, and Human Rights” features scholars from Brazil, Oxford, and other experts in the field.

Schedule of the Week OCHR in Rio de Janeiro
OCHR group from Quinnipiac University visiting the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

OCHR group from Quinnipiac University visiting the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

OCHR is partnering with Universidade Estacio de Sa (UNESA) to explore human rights issues in Brazil, with its complex economic, gender, racial, and religious history. Participants in the workshop will visit a Quilombo community, a protected community descended from escaped slaves. Other cultural and educational events will also be scheduled for all participants. Drawing from the faculties of Oxford, UNESA, and OCHR partner institutions, this program will bring together a diverse community of scholars and students who work in the fields of anthropology, history, law, philosophy, and sociology. This community is designed to immerse all participants in a dialogue about how human rights issues are contextualized in developing nations like Brazil. Dr. Hugo Slim of the Oxford Institute will lead the workshop for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict and Head of Policy for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

OCHR group Brazil Summer 2019